Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - BillOfMaterialsMD
Visão geral
Esta visão fornece uma visão geral abrangente dos dados da Lista de Materiais (BOM) do sistema SAP, combinando informações de várias tabelas para oferecer uma perspectiva holística sobre os componentes da BOM, seus relacionamentos e seus atributos.
Fontes de Dados
Tabela/Visão | Descrição |
MAST | Dados de cabeçalho para BOMs, incluindo informações gerais como cliente, número do material, fábrica e uso da BOM. |
STKO | Dados do cabeçalho da BOM, contendo detalhes sobre a categoria da BOM, contadores internos, intervalo de datas válido e status da alteração. |
STAS | Dados do item da BOM, fornecendo informações sobre itens individuais dentro de uma BOM, incluindo número do item, contador interno e status técnico. |
STPO | Dados do componente da BOM, capturando detalhes sobre cada componente usado em uma BOM, como número do material, quantidade e unidade de medida. |
Casos de Uso
- Analisar estruturas de BOM e relacionamentos de componentes.
- Identificar e gerenciar alterações nas BOMs.
- Executar inventário e planejamento de materiais com base em dados de BOM.
- Apoiar processos de produção e fabricação fornecendo informações detalhadas sobre os componentes da BOM.
Lógica da Query
A visão combina dados das tabelas MAST, STKO, STAS e STPO usando junções internas para estabelecer relacionamentos entre cabeçalhos, itens e componentes da BOM. A consulta recupera uma ampla gama de atributos para cada componente da BOM, incluindo dados técnicos, informações de quantidade e detalhes de aquisição.
Possível relação com transações SAP
Código da Transação | Descrição da Transação |
CS01 | Criar BOM |
CS02 | Alterar BOM |
CS03 | Exibir BOM |
MD02 | Alterar Master de Material |
MD03 | Exibir Master de Material |
MM01 | Criar Master de Material |
MM02 | Alterar Master de Material |
MM03 | Exibir Master de Material |
Linhagem de dados
Em desenvolvimento
Campos da Tabela/Visão
Campo | Descrição do Campo | Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
MaterialNumber_MATNR | Material Number | |
Plant_WERKS | Plant | |
BomUsage_STLAN | Bom Usage | |
BillOfMaterial_STLNR | Bill Of Material | |
AlternativeBom_STLAL | Alternative Bom | |
FromLotSize_LOSVN | From Lot Size | |
ToLotSize_LOSBS | To Lot Size | |
Indicator_ConfiguredMaterial__materialVariant___CSLTY | Indicator Configured Material / material Variant | |
BomCategory_STLTY | Bom Category | |
InternalCounter_STKOZ | Internal Counter | |
ValidFromDate_DATUV | Valid From Date | |
TechnicalStatusFrom_TECHV | Technical Status From | |
ChangeNumber_AENNR | Change Number | |
DeletionIndicator_LKENZ | Deletion Indicator | |
DeletionFlagForBoms_LOEKZ | Deletion Flag For Boms | |
PreviousHeaderCounter_VGKZL | Previous Header Counter | |
BaseUnitOfMeasureForBom_BMEIN | Base Unit Of Measure For Bom | |
BaseQuantity_BMENG | Base Quantity | |
CadIndicator_CADKZ | Cad Indicator | |
LaboratorydesignOffice_LABOR | Laboratory/design Office | |
LongTextLanguage_ForCreationOfAChangeDocument_LTXSP | Long Text Language For Creation Of A Change Document | |
AlternativeBomText_STKTX | Alternative Bom Text | |
BomStatus_STLST | Bom Status | |
PlantWhereBomOrAlternativevariantCreated_WRKAN | Plant Where Bom Or Alternativevariant Created | |
DateOfLastDateShift_DVDAT | Date Of Last Date Shift | |
NameOfTheUserWhoCarriedOutTheDateShift_DVNAM | Name Of The User Who Carried Out The Date Shift | |
DateShiftHierarchyIndicator_AEHLP | Date Shift Hierarchy Indicator | |
AleIndicator_ALEKZ | Ale Indicator | |
GlobalIdentificationOfABomHeaderChangeStatus_GUIDX | Global Identification Of A Bom Header Change Status | |
ValidToDate_VALID_TO | Valid To Date | |
ChangeNumberTo_ECN_TO | Change Number To | |
BomItemNodeNumber_STLKN | Bom Item Node Number | |
InternalCounter_STASZ | Internal Counter | |
SortKeyWithinALogicalItem_LPSRT | Sort Key Within A Logical Item | |
InternalCounter_STPOZ | Internal Counter | |
PredecessorNode_VGKNT | Predecessor Node | |
PreviousItemCounter_VGPZL | Previous Item Counter | |
BomComponent_IDNRK | Bom Component | |
IssuingPlant_PSWRK | Issuing Plant | |
ItemCategory__billOfMaterial___POSTP | Item Category (bill Of Material) | |
BomItemNumber_POSNR | Bom Item Number | |
SortString_SORTF | Sort String | |
ComponentUnitOfMeasure_MEINS | Component Unit Of Measure | |
ComponentQuantity_MENGE | Component Quantity | |
FixedQty_FMENG | Fixed Qty | |
ComponentScrapInPercent_AUSCH | Component Scrap In Percent | |
OperationScrap_AVOAU | Operation Scrap | |
Indicator_NetScrap_NETAU | Indicator Net Scrap | |
Indicator_BulkMaterial_SCHGT | Indicator Bulk Material | |
MaterialProvisionIndicator_BEIKZ | Material Provision Indicator | |
Indicator_SparePart_ERSKZ | Indicator Spare Part | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToSales_RVREL | Indicator Item Relevant To Sales | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToProduction_SANFE | Indicator Item Relevant To Production | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToPlantMaintenance_SANIN | Indicator Item Relevant To Plant Maintenance | |
IndicatorForRelevancyToCosting_SANKA | Indicator For Relevancy To Costing | |
Indicator_ItemRelevantToEngineering_SANKO | Indicator Item Relevant To Engineering | |
Indicator_HighLevelConfiguration_SANVS | Indicator High Level Configuration | |
PmAssemblyIndicator_STKKZ | Pm Assembly Indicator | |
Indicator_BomIsRecursive_REKRI | Indicator Bom Is Recursive | |
Indicator_RecursivenessAllowed_REKRS | Indicator Recursiveness Allowed | |
CadIndicator_CADPO | Cad Indicator | |
FollowUpMaterialInBomItemNotInUse_NFMAT | Follow Up Material In Bom Item Not In Use | |
LeadTimeOffset_NLFZT | Lead Time Offset | |
DistributionKeyForComponentConsumption_VERTI | Distribution Key For Component Consumption | |
Indicator_AlternativeItem_ALPOS | Indicator Alternative Item | |
UsageProbabilityInpct__alternativeItem___EWAHR | Usage Probability Inpct (alternative Item) | |
PurchasingGroup_EKGRP | Purchasing Group | |
DeliveryTimeInDays_LIFZT | Delivery Time In Days | |
AccountNumberOfVendorOrCreditor_LIFNR | Account Number Of Vendor Or Creditor | |
Price_PREIS | Price | |
PriceUnit_PEINH | Price Unit | |
CurrencyKey_WAERS | Currency Key | |
CostElement_SAKTO | Cost Element | |
NumberOfVariableSizeItems_ROANZ | Number Of Variable Size Items | |
Size1_ROMS1 | Size1 | |
Size2_ROMS2 | Size2 | |
Size3_ROMS3 | Size3 | |
UnitOfMeasureForSizes1To3_ROMEI | Unit Of Measure For Sizes1 To3 | |
QuantityOfVariableSizeItem_ROMEN | Quantity Of Variable Size Item | |
FormulaKey_RFORM | Formula Key | |
Indicator_SubItemsExist_UPSKZ | Indicator Sub Items Exist | |
Indicator_ItemInMoreThanOneAlternative_VALKZ | Indicator Item In More Than One Alternative | |
BomItemText__line1___POTX1 | Bom Item Text (line1) | |
BomItemText__line2___POTX2 | Bom Item Text (line2) | |
ObjectType__bomItem___OBJTY | Object Type (bom Item) | |
MaterialGroup_MATKL | Material Group | |
GoodsReceiptProcessingTimeInDays_WEBAZ | Goods Receipt Processing Time In Days | |
DocumentType_DOKAR | Document Type | |
DocumentNumber_DOKNR | Document Number | |
DocumentVersion_DOKVR | Document Version | |
DocumentPart_DOKTL | Document Part | |
AverageMaterialPurityInpct_CSSTR | Average Material Purity Inpct | |
ClassNumber_CLASS | Class Number | |
ClassType_KLART | Class Type | |
ResultingItemCategory_POTPR | Resulting Item Category | |
SelectionIndicatorForConfigurableBoms_AWAKZ | Selection Indicator For Configurable Boms | |
InstanceIndicator_INSKZ | Instance Indicator | |
Indicator_NotDisplayedInConfigurationEditor_VCEKZ | Indicator Not Displayed In Configuration Editor | |
Indicator_NotDisplayedInSingleLevelConfiguration_VSTKZ | Indicator Not Displayed In Single Level Configuration | |
Indicator_NotDisplayedInAutomaticConfiguration_VACKZ | Indicator Not Displayed In Automatic Configuration | |
PurchasingOrganization_EKORG | Purchasing Organization | |
RequiredComponent_CLOBK | Required Component | |
MultipleSelectionAllowed_CLMUL | Multiple Selection Allowed | |
AlternativeDisplayFormat_CLALT | Alternative Display Format | |
OrganizationalArea_CVIEW | Organizational Area | |
NumberOfObjectWithAssignedDependencies_KNOBJ | Number Of Object With Assigned Dependencies | |
IssueLocationForProductionOrder_LGORT | Issue Location For Production Order | |
Indicator_CoProduct_KZKUP | Indicator Co Product | |
IntraMaterial_INTRM | Intra Material | |
Indicator_RestrictionsExist_TPEKZ | Indicator Restrictions Exist | |
InheritedNodeNumberOfBomItem_STVKN | Inherited Node Number Of Bom Item | |
ExplosionType_DSPST | Explosion Type | |
AlternativeItem_Strategy_ALPST | Alternative Item Strategy | |
AlternativeItem_RankingOrder_ALPRF | Alternative Item Ranking Order | |
AlternativeItem_Group_ALPGR | Alternative Item Group | |
Indicator_FollowUpItem_KZNFP | Indicator Follow Up Item | |
FollowUpGroup_NFGRP | Follow Up Group | |
DiscontinuationGroup_NFEAG | Discontinuation Group | |
Indicator_ManualChangeToSalesOrderBom_KNDVB | Indicator Manual Change To Sales Order Bom | |
Indicator_BomItemChangedselectedViaObjDependencies_KNDBZ | Indicator Bom Item Changedselected Via Obj Dependencies | |
BomCategoryOfOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTTY | Bom Category Of Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
BillOfMaterialForOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTNR | Bill Of Material For Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
NodeNumberOfOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTKN | Node Number Of Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
CounterForOriginalSalesOrderBomItem_KSTPZ | Counter For Original Sales Order Bom Item | |
ClassificationNumber_CLSZU | Classification Number | |
Indicator_ClassificationAsSelectionCondition_KZCLB | Indicator Classification As Selection Condition | |
ProductionSupplyArea_PRVBE | Production Supply Area | |
LeadTimeOffsetForOperation_NLFZV | Lead Time Offset For Operation | |
UnitForLeadTimeOffsetForOperation_NLFMV | Unit For Lead Time Offset For Operation | |
ItemGroup_IDPOS | Item Group | |
HistoryCounter_IDHIS | History Counter | |
ComponentVariant_IDVAR | Component Variant | |
ExternalIdentificationOfAnItem_ITMID | External Identification Of An Item | |
TemporarilyNotUsed_GUID | Temporarily Not Used | |
SpecialProcurementTypeForBomItem_ITSOB | Special Procurement Type For Bom Item | |
ReferencePointForBomTransfer_RFPNT | Reference Point For Bom Transfer | |
SegmentationMaintainedForBomComponents_SGT_CMKZ | Segmentation Maintained For Bom Components | |
SegmentationValue_SGT_CATV | Segmentation Value | |
DeviationValuesMaintainedForComponentAtVariantLevel_FSH_VMKZ | Deviation Values Maintained For Component At Variant Level | |
QuantityDistributionProfile_FSH_PGQR | Quantity Distribution Profile | |
ReferenceToQuantityDistributionProfile_FSH_PGQRRF | Reference To Quantity Distribution Profile | |
CriticalComponentIndicator_FSH_CRITICAL_COMP | Critical Component Indicator | |
CrticalLevelOfAComponentInBom_FSH_CRITICAL_LEVEL | Crtical Level Of A Component In Bom | |
FunctionIdentifier_FUNCID | Function Identifier |