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Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation

Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - BusinessPartnersMD

Visão geral

Esta visão fornece uma perspectiva abrangente de relatórios sobre parceiros de negócios SAP, consolidando dados das tabelas BUT000 e BUT020. Ela oferece uma ampla gama de atributos relacionados à identificação, classificação, informações de contato, detalhes legais e organizacionais e muito mais dos Parceiros de Negócios.

Fontes de Dados

Tabela/Visão Descrição
BUT000 Dados mestres do parceiro de negócios SAP
BUT020 Dados de endereço do parceiro de negócios SAP
AddressesMD Dados mestres SAP para endereços

Casos de Uso

  • Recupere informações detalhadas sobre Parceiros de Negócios para fins de relatório e análise.
  • Identifique e segmente Parceiros de Negócios com base em vários critérios, como setor da indústria, forma legal ou localização.
  • Apoie as atividades de gerenciamento de relacionamento com o cliente (CRM) fornecendo insights sobre as preferências dos Parceiros de Negócios, canais de comunicação e contatos importantes.
  • Facilite a integração e harmonização de dados em diferentes sistemas SAP e fontes de dados externas.

Lógica da Query

A visão combina dados das tabelas BUT000 e BUT020 usando um INNER JOIN nos campos PARTNER e CLIENT. Além disso, ela se junta à tabela AddressesMD para enriquecer as informações relacionadas ao endereço dos Parceiros de Negócios. A consulta recupera um conjunto abrangente de atributos, incluindo detalhes de identificação, informações de contato, dados legais e organizacionais e informações de endereço.

Possível relação com transações SAP

Código da Transação Descrição da Transação
BP Transação do Parceiro de Negócios
FD03 Exibir Dados Mestres do Cliente
XD03 Exibir Dados Mestres do Fornecedor

Linhagem de dados

Em desenvolvimento

Campos da Tabela/Visão

Campo Descrição do Campo Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve)
BusinessPARTNERNumber_PARTNER Business Partner Number
BusinessPARTNERCategory_TYPE Business Partner Category
BusinessPARTNERType_BPKIND Business Partner Type
BusinessPARTNERGrouping_BU_GROUP Business Partner Grouping
BusinessPARTNERNumberInExternalSystem_BPEXT Business Partner Number in External System
SearchTerm1ForBusinessPARTNER_BU_SORT1 Search Term 1 for Business Partner
SearchTerm2ForBusinessPARTNER_BU_SORT2 Search Term 2 for Business Partner
DataOriginTypes_SOURCE Data Origin Types
FormOfAddress_TITLE Form of Address
CentralArchivingFlag_XDELE Central Archiving Flag
CentralBlockForBusinessPARTNER_XBLCK Central Block for Business Partner
AuthorizationGroup_AUGRP Authorization Group
Salutation_TITLE_LET Salutation
LogicalSystem_BU_LOGSYS Logical System
BusinessPARTNER_ContactPermission_CONTACT Business Partner Contact Permission
Indicator_NotReleased_NOT_RELEASED Indicator Not Released
Indicator_NotLegallyCompetent_NOT_LG_COMPETENT Indicator Not Legally Competent
BusinessPARTNERPrintFormat_PRINT_MODE Business Partner Print Format
DummyFunctionInLength1_BP_EEW_DUMMY Dummy Function in Length 1
Bp_LegalFormOfOrganization_LEGAL_ENTY Legal Form of Organization
IndustrySector_IND_SECTOR Industry Sector
LegalEntityOfOrganization_LEGAL_ORG Legal Entity of Organization
DateOrganizationFounded_FOUND_DAT Date Organization Founded
LiquidationDateOfOrganization_LIQUID_DAT Liquidation Date of Organization
InternationalLocationNumber__part1___LOCATION_1 International Location Number (part 1)
InternationalLocationNumber__part2___LOCATION_2 International Location Number (part 2)
CheckDigitForTheInternationalLocationNumber_LOCATION_3 Check Digit for the International Location Number
LastNameOfBusinessPARTNER__person___NAME_LAST Last Name of Business Partner (person)
FirstNameOfBusinessPARTNER__person___NAME_FIRST First Name of Business Partner (person)
OtherLastNameOfAPerson_NAME_LST2 Other Last Name of a Person
NameAtBirthOfBusinessPARTNER_NAME_LAST2 Name at Birth of Business Partner
MiddleNameOrSecondForenameOfAPerson_NAMEMIDDLE Middle Name or Second Forename of a Person
AcademicTitle_Key_TITLE_ACA1 Academic Title (Key)
SecondAcademicTitle_TITLE_ACA2 Second Academic Title
NameSupplement_TITLE_ROYL Name Supplement
NamePrefix__key___PREFIX1 Name Prefix (key)
Name2Prefix__key___PREFIX2 Name 2 Prefix (key)
FullName_NAME1_TEXT Full Name
NicknameOfBusinessPARTNER__person___NICKNAME Nickname of Business Partner (person)
middleInitial_INITIALS Middle Initial
NameFormat_NAMEFORMAT Name Format
CountryForNameFormatRule_NAMCOUNTRY Country for Name Format Rule
BusinessPARTNER_CorrespondenceLanguage_LANGU_CORR Business Partner Correspondence Language
Selection_BusinessPARTNERIsMale_XSEXM Selection Business Partner Is Male
Selection_BusinessPARTNERIsFemale_XSEXF Selection Business Partner Is Female
BirthplaceOfBusinessPARTNER_BIRTHPL Birthplace of Business Partner
MaritalStatusOfBusinessPARTNER_MARST Marital Status of Business Partner
NameOfEmployerOfANaturalPerson_EMPLO Name of Employer of a Natural Person
Occupationgroup_JOBGR Occupation Group
Nationality_NATIO Nationality
ObsoleteField_CNTAX Obsolete Field
CtryOfOrigin_NonResCompanies_CNDSC Country of Origin (Non-Res Companies)
Selection_SexOfBusinessPARTNERIsNotKnown_XSEXU Selection Sex of Business Partner Is Not Known
ObsoleteField_XUBNAME Obsolete Field
BusinessPARTNER_Language_BU_LANGU Business Partner Language
DateOfBirthOfBusinessPARTNER_BIRTHDT Date of Birth of Business Partner
DateOfDeathOfBusinessPARTNER_DEATHDT Date of Death of Business Partner
PersonnelNumber_PERNO Personnel Number
ObsoleteField_CHILDREN Obsolete Field
ObsoleteField_MEM_HOUSE Obsolete Field
GroupType_PARTGRPTYP Group Type
Name1__group___NAME_GRP1 Name 1 (group)
Name2__group___NAME_GRP2 Name 2 (group)
SearchHelpField1__name1lastName___MC_NAME1 Search Help Field 1 (name1lastName)
SearchHelpField2__name2firstName___MC_NAME2 Search Help Field 2 (name2firstName)
UserWhoCreatedTheObject_CRUSR User Who Created the Object
DateOnWhichTheObjectWasCreated_CRDAT Date On Which the Object Was Created
TimeAtWhichTheObjectWasCreated_CRTIM Time At Which the Object Was Created
LastUserToChangeObject_CHUSR Last User to Change Object
DateWhenObjectWasLastChanged_CHDAT Date When Object Was Last Changed
TimeAtWhichObjectWasLastChanged_CHTIM Time At Which Object Was Last Changed
BusinessPARTNERGuid_PARTNER_GUID Business Partner Guid
AddressNumber_ADDRCOMM Address Number
PlannedChangeDocumentsForPARTNERWereConverted_TD_SWITCH Planned Change Documents for PARTNER Were Converted
Indicator_BusinessPARTNERIsAlsoAnOrganizationalCenter_IS_ORG_CENTRE Indicator Business Partner Is Also an Organizational Center
UuidInXForm__binary___DB_KEY Uuid In XForm (binary)
ValidityStartBUT000BpData_VALID_FROM Validity Start BUT000 Bp Data
ValidityEndBUT000BpData_VALID_TO Validity End BUT000 Bp Data
BusinessPARTNERIsANaturalPersonUnderTheTaxLaws_NATPERS Business Partner Is a Natural Person Under the Tax Laws
BusinessPARTNERReleased_PAR_REL Business Partner Released
SortField_BP_SORT Sort Field
BankCountryKey_KBANKS Bank Country Key
BankKeys_KBANKL Bank Keys
BPAddressNumber_ADDRNUMBER BP Address Number
Indicator_AddressIsStandardAddress_XDFADR Indicator Address Is Standard Address
AddressNumberInExternalSystem_ADEXT Address Number in External System
UuidInCharacterForm_GUID Uuid In Character Form
NumberOfMoveTargetAddressForAddressMoves_MOVE_ADDR Number of Move Target Address for Address Moves
DateObsolete_DATE_FROM Date Obsolete
GuidOfABusinessPARTNERAddress_ADDRESS_GUID Guid of a Business Partner Address
ValidityStartOfABusinessPARTNERAddress_ADDR_VALID_FROM Validity Start of a Business Partner Address
ValidityEnd_ADDR_VALID_TO Validity End
DateOfMoveForAddressMoves_ADDR_MOVE_DATE Date of Move for Address Moves
Region_REGION Region
CountryKey_COUNTRY Country Key
CityPostalCode_POST_CODE1 City Postal Code
