Arquivo SQL de origem - Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation
Google Cloud Cortex Foudantion - Cortex Reporting - (s4) - POSchedule
Visão geral
Esta visão de relatório fornece informações detalhadas sobre linhas de programação em documentos de compra SAP. Inclui dados sobre datas de entrega, quantidades, informações de orçamento e muito mais. Esta visão é útil para analisar processos de compra e entrega, bem como para fins de orçamento e previsão.
Fontes de Dados
Tabela/Visão | Descrição |
eket | Dados da linha de programação da tabela EKET no sistema SAP ERP |
Casos de Uso
- Analisar processos de compra e entrega
- Identificar gargalos e ineficiências na cadeia de suprimentos
- Prever a demanda e planejar cronogramas de produção
- Monitorar a utilização do orçamento e controlar custos
Lógica da Query
A visão une a tabela EKET com a tabela calendar_date_dim para adicionar dimensões adicionais relacionadas à data aos dados. A visão também inclui colunas calculadas para a data de entrega anterior, o número de turnos de data atuais e o ano, mês, semana e trimestre da data de entrega do item e a data do pedido da linha de programação.
Possível relação com transações SAP
Código da Transação | Descrição da Transação |
ME21N | Criar ordem de compra |
ME22N | Alterar ordem de compra |
ME23N | Exibir ordem de compra |
ME28 | Alterar linhas de programação |
ME29N | Exibir linhas de programação |
Linhagem de dados
Em desenvolvimento
Campos da Tabela/Visão
Campo | Descrição do Campo | Descrição no Dicionário SAP (Em breve) |
Client_MANDT | Client | |
PurchasingDocumentNumber_EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | |
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument_EBELP | Item Number Of Purchasing Document | |
DeliveryScheduleLineCounter_ETENR | Delivery Schedule Line Counter | |
ItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Item Delivery Date | |
StatisticsRelevantDeliveryDate_SLFDT | Statistics Relevant Delivery Date | |
CategoryOfDeliveryDate_LPEIN | Category Of Delivery Date | |
ScheduledQuantity_MENGE | Scheduled Quantity | |
PreviousQuantity__deliveryScheduleLines___AMENG | Previous Quantity (delivery Schedule Lines) | |
QuantityOfGoodsReceived_WEMNG | Quantity Of Goods Received | |
IssuedQuantity_WAMNG | Issued Quantity | |
DeliveryDateTimeSpot_UZEIT | Delivery Date Time Spot | |
PurchaseRequisitionNumber_BANFN | Purchase Requisition Number | |
ItemNumberOfPurchaseRequisition_BNFPO | Item Number Of Purchase Requisition | |
CreationIndicator__purchaseRequisitionscheduleLines___ESTKZ | Creation Indicator (purchase Requisition schedule Lines) | |
NumberOfQuotaArrangement_QUNUM | Number Of Quota Arrangement | |
QuotaArrangementItem_QUPOS | Quota Arrangement Item | |
NoOfRemindersexpeditersForScheduleLine_MAHNZ | No Of Reminders/expediters For Schedule Line | |
OrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
NumberOfReservationdependentRequirements_RSNUM | Number Of Reservation-dependent Requirements | |
BomExplosionNumber_SERNR | Bom Explosion Number | |
ScheduleLineIsfixed_FIXKZ | Schedule Line Isfixed | |
QuantityDelivered__stockTransfer___GLMNG | Quantity Delivered (stock Transfer) | |
QuantityReduced__mrp___DABMG | Quantity Reduced (mrp) | |
BatchNumber_CHARG | Batch Number | |
VendorBatchNumber_LICHA | Vendor Batch Number | |
Components_CHKOM | Components | |
ProductionVersion_VERID | Production Version | |
SchedulingAgreementReleaseType_ABART | Scheduling Agreement Release Type | |
CommittedQuantity_MNG02 | Committed Quantity | |
CommittedDate_DAT01 | Committed Date | |
PreviousDeliveryDate_ALTDT | Previous Delivery Date | |
RouteSchedule_AULWE | Route Schedule | |
MaterialAvailabilityDate_MBDAT | Material Availability Date | |
MaterialStagingTime_MBUHR | Material Staging Time | |
LoadingDate_LDDAT | Loading Date | |
LoadingTime__localTimeRelatingToAShippingPoint___LDUHR | Loading Time (local Time Relating To A Shipping Point) | |
TransportationPlanningDate_TDDAT | Transportation Planning Date | |
TranspPlanningTime__local_TDUHR | Transp Planning Time (local) | |
GoodsIssueDate_WADAT | Goods Issue Date | |
TimeOfGoodsIssue__local_RelatingToAPlant___WAUHR | Time Of Goods Issue (local Relating To A Plant) | |
GoodsReceiptEndDate_ELDAT | Goods Receipt End Date | |
GoodsReceiptEndTime__local__ELUHR | Goods Receipt End Time (local) | |
NumberOfSerialNumbers_ANZSN | Number Of Serial Numbers | |
Ind_ReservNotApplicableToMrpPurcReqNotCreated_NODISP | Ind Reserv Not Applicable To Mrp Purc Req Not Created | |
DescriptionOfAGeographicalRoute_GEO_ROUTE | Description Of A Geographical Route | |
RouteCodeForSapGlobalTradeServices_ROUTE_GTS | Route Code For Sap Global Trade Services | |
GoodsTrafficType_GTS_IND | Goods Traffic Type | |
ForwardingAgent_TSP | Forwarding Agent | |
LocationNumberInApo_CD_LOCNO | Location Number In Apo | |
ApoLocationType_CD_LOCTYPE | Apo Location Type | |
HandoverDateAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERDATE | Handover Date At The Handover Location | |
HandoverTimeAtTheHandoverLocation_HANDOVERTIME | Handover Time At The Handover Location | |
ArunRequirementAllocatedQuantity_FSH_RALLOC_QTY | Arun Requirement Allocated Quantity | |
AllocatedStockQuantity_FSH_SALLOC_QTY | Allocated Stock Quantity | |
OrderSchedulingGroupId_FSH_OS_ID | Order Scheduling Group Id | |
UniqueNumberOfBudget_KEY_ID | Unique Number Of Budget | |
RequiredBudget_OTB_VALUE | Required Budget | |
OtbCurrency_OTB_CURR | Otb Currency | |
ReservedBudgetForOtbRelevantPurchasingDocument_OTB_RES_VALUE | Reserved Budget For Otb Relevant Purchasing Document | |
SpecialReleaseBudget_OTB_SPEC_VALUE | Special Release Budget | |
ReasonProfileForOtbSpecialRelease_SPR_RSN_PROFILE | Reason Profile For Otb Special Release | |
BudgetType_BUDG_TYPE | BudgetType | |
OtbCheckStatus_OTB_STATUS | Otb Check Status | |
ReasonIndicatorForOtbCheckStatus_OTB_REASON | Reason Indicator For Otb Check Status | |
TypeOfOtbCheck_CHECK_TYPE | Type Of Otb Check | |
DatelineId__guid___DL_ID | Dateline Id (guid) | |
TransferDate_HANDOVER_DATE | Transfer Date | |
PurchaseOrderNotTransferredToScem_NO_SCEM | Purchase Order Not Transferred To Scem | |
CreationDateOfReminderMessageRecord_DNG_DATE | Creation Date Of Reminder Message Record | |
CreationTimeOfReminderMessageRecord_DNG_TIME | Creation Time Of Reminder Message Record | |
CancellationThreatMade_CNCL_ANCMNT_DONE | Cancellation Threat Made | |
NumberOfCurrentDateShifts_DATESHIFT_NUMBER | Number Of Current Date Shifts | |
YearOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Year Of Item Delivery Date | |
MonthOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Month Of Item Delivery Date | |
WeekOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Week Of Item Delivery Date | |
QuarterOfItemDeliveryDate_EINDT | Quarter Of Item Delivery Date | |
YearOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Year Of Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
MonthOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Month Of Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
WeekOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Week Of Order Date Of Schedule Line | |
QuarterOfOrderDateOfScheduleLine_BEDAT | Quarter Of Order Date Of Schedule Line |